カリスマ・カーペンターのインスタグラム(charismacarpenter) - 5月23日 07時52分

Last summer I made a promise to myself. I promised to do ( more ) things that make me happy.
Live music makes me very happy!
Last night I went to U2, a band I have loved since High School. I have never seen them ( or hardly any of my favorite bands live for that matter.) So it was AMAZING to finally be there. "Living" to me is the act of being in the moment.
Nothing makes me feel more alive and present than music. Maybe because I trust the journey of the song. Contrarily, it can be nostalgic; taking me back to the first time I heard a certain song. Almost like a time stamp to a specific person, place or time in my life. It can make me feel vulnerable, more connected to my deeper emotions. It can also fire me up for a hard work out. Sometimes I will make a playlist for a character I am developing or auditioning for....
Music is just this beautiful visceral thing. And, well, I love it.
I am grateful I got to go last night. It was perfect.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



