クレア・マーシャルのインスタグラム(heyclaire) - 5月23日 02時03分

While I was in New York last week I had the chance to visit the @pencilsofpromise office. Coincidentally I happened to stop by the day we broke ground on our school and I'm reminded how grateful and honored I am to be a part of this with you.
These photos are of our school before we began construction in the Mafi Mediage village in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region in Ghana. Currently there are 2,100 people who live in the community and our school will serve 918 primary school students!
I was told that due to the nature of the structure before (made primarily of wood/bamboo with a thatched roof), students often missed school due to rain (which lead to flooding) or if it was too hot and they were exposed to the elements. Because of your help, we are able to build a better structure and environment for these kids to grow and learn in. How amazing is that!?
I may not always be sure of what I'm doing here or what the future will be, but I do know that I want to help people. This is just one way that you and I have done that. Together. Thank you for your continued support and if I haven't told your lately, I love and appreciate you and I haven't forgotten. #formary
To find out more on how you can help or make a contribution, please visit : http://pencilsofpromise.com/donate


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