ロリン・ヨークのインスタグラム(_laurenyork) - 5月17日 02時02分

You guys have NO idea how incredible it feels to have accomplished this goal and have this chapter of my life over! Pageants have been a huge part of my life for so long and they have pushed me to be a better, stronger person. They have forced me to be brave and resilient. They have helped give me an outlet to turn my trials in life into something positive. I have made so many amazing friendships with like minded women who share my same goals and values. Because of the Miss Universe Organization and the amazing people within the industry who have helped me, I know what it means to be confidently beautiful, and what it means to love yourself and love those around you. Pageants have shaped me into a better person and allowed me to meet kind, selfless, beautiful people who dedicate so much of their lives to lifting up women across America.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




