アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 5月16日 00時10分

This is totally what this weekend was about. Away from the noise, a moment of peace with like minded beautiful souls. I feel recharged and what a blessing to have the sun for a whole day. I bathed in it lol I've missed it so and will never take the sunshine for granted again ? thank you @ashleylukelloyd for opening your home to us. I had the best time, I smiled so much my cheeks are sore and laughed so hard I have a six pack now ???and secretly had a great cleansing cry from being so grateful to have met such beautiful ppl all the way across the pond! The cure to homesickness! I feel like you guys love me flaws and all and that's just an amazing feeling!!! I pray many blessings in your life and in your home my love!

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