カミラ・カベロのインスタグラム(camila_cabello) - 5月15日 09時15分

..... till one day i just could not run anymore. i pulled up the lyrics from the year before, and “I have questions” was written. after that i wrote a sad song everyday, everything i wanted to say, every lyric on my phone, i said everything until i got tired of writing about it. until i was sick of the sad songs!!!!! as i got happier and happier, i realized the songs were getting happier and happier. and i realized i wasn’t making music just to make an album anymore, i was making this music to heal. it wasn’t until i had made enough songs to listen back to and realized i could hear myself coming back through these songs. i didn’t write it with the intention of delivering a message, but i realized the message was in the hurting, the healing, and the loving. i might have thought the hurting was my enemy before, but she became the best listener... i might have thought i was too impatient for the healing, and it did feel like sometimes she was taking forever, but i realized it made me appreciate her so much more when she arrived. and the loving, i wouldn’t have known how beautiful she was if i couldn’t miss her all that time.....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





