タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 5月12日 01時46分

These images are funny but it's TRUE....... People are in your life for a reason others are there for a SEASON and it's very important that you recognize when people's SEASONS are OVER!!!!! Dragging dead weight into the most blessed SEASON of your life could prove to be very painful and draining and more importantly counter productive- You realize that suddenly #Loyalty has an #Xpiration date..... God is trying to UPGRADE and UPDATE our lives -careers and you're self sabotaging ( this means when blessings and what's GOOD for you is right in front of you YOU feel like you don't deserve it and figure out a way to FUCK IT UP ) this happens everyday - you KNOW better but these unseen forces stop you from DOING better........... I remember when I was in Watts South Central - my BIGGEST FEAR was for people to say I've changed......... now I hope they say it - Otherwise I'm not evolving, growing, maturing I'm just the same - you can't open NEW DOORS with OLD KEYS........ You have yourself a blessed day - you we're looking for a new reason for your new SEASON and it just showed up...... it's time to kill your associations with bad people #ToxicWaste and that includes friends and toxic negative family members too.......


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