クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 5月11日 06時50分

I see no problems with this. Resist the racists, the bullshit, the self serving politicians that care NOT about the students that they enthusiastically make cuts to- while arrogantly make moves to assist the already extremely rich. Resist and question the lies being fed to us daily. Do not be a pawn- but use brains over brutality and chose to rally over riot so you don't give THEM a reason to hurt you as you stand UP. Organize, have leadership, let your voices be heard in a real way and do not think for one second that it's someone else's job to be active- and NOT yours-it's all of ours- we-THE PEOPLE- not the 1%. Kudos #BethuneCookmanStudents ✊?????


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