ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 5月10日 23時43分

Great article!!! LEAN A SUS NIÑOS DESDE BEBES! Read read read to kids! #sebiandthelandofchachacha ・・・
? What's your favorite kids book? ?
When a sweet, drooling baby seems more interested in chowing down on books than listening or looking at the pictures, it’s easy for a parent to wonder...is my kid really getting anything out of this?
But the answer, according to new research presented at the recent Pediatric American Societies Meeting last week, is a resounding yes.
Overall, the researchers found both the quantity and quality of early reading had an effect on literacy skills in toddlerhood. The effects of quality reading also seemed to be more long-lasting, leading to measurable differences in early reading and literacy skills by the time the children turned 4-and-a-half.
That suggests it’s not just the reading itself that matters. Instead, it’s that reading helps foster conversations between parents and their children that are key in priming their brains to learn how to speak and read.
- @carsar91 for @huffpostparents // ?: Getty


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