TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 5月10日 04時22分

Moon Jae-in has declared victory in South Korea's presidential election, telling a crowd of supporters in Seoul, "I will become the president for everyone." Asked during a mid-April interview with TIME how he would aim to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula, he said: "The ultimate goal is to get the North to the negotiating table to ensure the dismantlement of the nuclear weapons. So the first stage would be, while strengthening sanctions and pressure against the North, to bring them to the negotiating table. The second step is to have the North agree to a nuclear freeze, to discontinue its nuclear provocations and missile tests. And the last is dismantlement of the North’s nuclear-weapons program." Read more on TIME.com.

Photograph by Adam Ferguson (@adamfergusonphoto) for TIME.

#southkorea #northkorea


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