チャーリー・エックス・シー・エックスのインスタグラム(charli_xcx) - 5月6日 01時31分

This is me extremely happy (and maybe a lil bit drunk) coz I'm playing shows again angels!!!!!!!! Starting off with tomorrow in Norway at 7.30pm on stage 2 of landstreff stavanger festival!!!! I can't wait to see all the angels there!!!! Also I'm super happy coz I just had THE BEST MEETING EVER with my label about all my upcoming releases and there's sooooo much stuff that's about to happen! It will take time, but I literally can't wait to get all this new music to u! Also third reason for extreme happiness is that I'm playing the live lounge on Thursday with mura masa!!!! If ur in London come thru to radio 1 and show us the loveeeee!!!! Love u guys!!! ?✨?✨?✨?✨?✨?✨?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




