チャーリー・カーバーのインスタグラム(charliecarver) - 5月5日 23時31分

All the rage. Trying to meet it with all the love and creativity I've got. Call your senators at 1 (844) 872-0234 and let them know that you will not stand for a healthcare bill that names some of the most brutal tragedies (rape, a cancer diagnosis) and the most-human-of experiences (depression, acne, anxiety) as uninsurable pre-existing conditions... CALL YOUR SENATORS AND TELL THEM NO. TODAY: 1 (844) 872-0234
Then pick up a book, a song, a leaflet of poems (the above one rocks), or a family member's telephone number and take in a dose of restorative, creative, loving medicine.
There is only one "pre-existing condition": the Human Condition. And we've ALL got that. ❤️
#IAmPreExistingCondition #Resist #HealthcareIsAHumanRight


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