As many of you have heard, at this point, I have not signed the AVP player agreement and will, therefore, not be competing for the foreseeable future at any AVP events. It has been a challenging period over the last 5 months as I, along with many other players, have worked hard to foster a dialogue amongst ourselves and with the AVP to express our concerns with the highly questionable and contestable AVP player agreement. There have been countless meetings, phone calls, and conversations amongst the athletes to try to unify around a few changes we felt essential and wanted to see in the contract. In the end, many players of every level, were forced to make the decision to sign the agreement as is or lose the opportunity to play at AVP events. For my part, I do not ever want to settle for less than what I feel is deserved for myself and for my sport. The AVP has a rich legacy that has been built over the past 30 years and yet, when I see the way things are going on the tour that I have loved and competed on since I was 23, I can not support it. I have said many many times over the past weeks and months, that if we continue to argue for our own limitations, if we think small and if we don't believe ourselves worthy of more or better, we will never get more or better; our amazing sport will never grow with such thinking and as consequence, the professional side of the sport will remain what it has been for a large majority of the "professionals" over the past four-plus years, a hobby with a beautiful lifestyle. The thought of re-signing a 4 year, exclusive, heavily lopsided and broadly restrictive contract is not something that I could ever entertain .... the stakes are too high and our sport is ready to launch. I hold a very high estimation of the place beach volleyball can hold in the market place and in the sporting world as I've experienced this at the highest levels. I have both experienced and been privy to poor treatment of the athletes and of the sport at the hands of this rendition of the AVP and I, in good conscience, can not support something in which I do not believe. It is counter to who I am. The "negotiation" process was confusing to say the l

kerrileewalshさん(@kerrileewalsh)が投稿した動画 -

ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 5月5日 08時23分

As many of you have heard, at this point, I have not signed the AVP player agreement and will, therefore, not be competing for the foreseeable future at any AVP events. It has been a challenging period over the last 5 months as I, along with many other players, have worked hard to foster a dialogue amongst ourselves and with the AVP to express our concerns with the highly questionable and contestable AVP player agreement. There have been countless meetings, phone calls, and conversations amongst the athletes to try to unify around a few changes we felt essential and wanted to see in the contract. In the end, many players of every level, were forced to make the decision to sign the agreement as is or lose the opportunity to play at AVP events.

For my part, I do not ever want to settle for less than what I feel is deserved for myself and for my sport. The AVP has a rich legacy that has been built over the past 30 years and yet, when I see the way things are going on the tour that I have loved and competed on since I was 23, I can not support it.
I have said many many times over the past weeks and months, that if we continue to argue for our own limitations, if we think small and if we don't believe ourselves worthy of more or better, we will never get more or better; our amazing sport will never grow with such thinking and as consequence, the professional side of the sport will remain what it has been for a large majority of the "professionals" over the past four-plus years, a hobby with a beautiful lifestyle. The thought of re-signing a 4 year, exclusive, heavily lopsided and broadly restrictive contract is not something that I could ever entertain .... the stakes are too high and our sport is ready to launch. I hold a very high estimation of the place beach volleyball can hold in the market place and in the sporting world as I've experienced this at the highest levels.
I have both experienced and been privy to poor treatment of the athletes and of the sport at the hands of this rendition of the AVP and I, in good conscience, can not support something in which I do not believe. It is counter to who I am.
The "negotiation" process was confusing to say the l


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