ジ・オニオンのインスタグラム(theonion) - 5月3日 05時00分

Roommate Philip Page told reporters Tuesday that he was excited to bring his robust puttering experience to his new apartment. “Whether it’s wandering between my bedroom and the kitchen to get snacks, or pacing up and down the hallways while mindlessly scrolling through my phone, I’m looking forward to using the puttering techniques I’ve acquired from my last three living situations,” said Page, 26, adding that he would be ready from day one to just kind of hang out in the living room while waiting for a food delivery or watch half of a TV show episode before abandoning it completely to call his parents. “Maybe I’ll even poke my head into one of my new housemate’s rooms and ask them what’s up while I’m procrastinating going to the gym. I mean, I’ve spent entire days puttering, so I’m definitely ready to hit the ground running.” #TheOnion


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