We Wore Whatのインスタグラム(weworewhat) - 4月28日 20時40分

I'm not sure what my expectations were when it came to seeing wild animals on this trip. I've been to the zoo, I've been to the safaris at Six Flags, I've even been to a few animal rescue centers. But, this was unlike any of those things. We were a small moving box in their world, their kingdom. There were no barriers between us and them (as the loud roar of a lion passing through our camp clearly indicated this morning). Our guides for the game drives told us to be quiet and still, as we approached a family of lions sleeping under a thousand year old tree, the same for when we came across two dozen elephants drinking and bathing at a watering hole. The zebras, wildabeats, and impalas ran alongside our cars.. the rest acted like we weren't even there. I was told this was because there is little to no poaching in this part of Africa, so the animals see no threat. During tea time and in the evenings, elephants roamed no more than 40 feet from our dining tables. It's hard to explain how unreal this trip really was.. ???? ps: I shot all these pics with my canon g7x #wwwafrica


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