ショウン・ロスのインスタグラム(shaunross) - 4月28日 08時17分

Such a vulnerable moment. I remember the day you came home from the hospital and I held you in the center of the couch. Mom showed me how to hold your head properly while explaining to me while it was so important to support you. I never truly understood until the current days of life what it means to be there for your family and love them. My older siblings were there to always fight for me when I couldn't do so for myself and t makes me so mad that I can't be there for you sometimes but I am on the other side of the country make you and everyone else proud. You are so amazing no matter what you think or what they say even through the doubt of your peers. You were special the day you were born because you taught me how take care if you besides your older sister making the same damn 5 meals everyday. I'm glad to call you m brother and I'm so happy you turned 18 today, got me on the plane all crying and shit the lady next to me thinking I'm crying to that Disney movie Moana lol Happy Birthday little Brother Mr. Chance Ross today is your day so live it up oh yeah and @the_mommaross you were so wrong for making us do this photo love you ❤️


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