シャナン・ドハーティーのインスタグラム(theshando) - 4月28日 08時08分

Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? This was prep for today's petscan. I don't care how much a person has been poked and prodded, it never gets easier. @kurtiswarienko tells me I have a high threshold for pain but I don't see it that way. Here's the thing.... even with positive results, it's the next five years that determine so much. So, let's see how today turns out and then day by day. Live life to the fullest. Cherish every second. Love fiercely. And thank God for every second. I'll keep you all posted and thank you for your positive energy and prayers. ? and yes.... that is a puff ball on top of my head. Just happy it's growing!!

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