スティーヴン・クラインのインスタグラム(stevenkleinstudio) - 4月26日 07時58分

#ALERT#MEEKSKICKEDOUT PLEASE READ!!!!!!!We are proud of our work with Jeremy Meeks for Man About Town, which we feel helps the public see him in a new light, as the person he is today. Therefore we were dismayed to learn that Great Britain has expelled him – turning its back on a man who has already paid his debt to society for his past and who now is seeking to start his life anew with his family. For him to be so unfairly judged, without any real knowledge of who he has become or what he is hoping to achieve, is to deny each one of us the hope that a man or woman can rise above their past and be a better person – and a constructive and contributing member of society. This misjudgment of Jeremy Meeks is worse than ignorant; it deprives all people of the opportunity to change and better themselves, perpetuating what is worst socially while withholding from us the benefit that can flow from such change.
-STEVEN KLEIN LAURA ALBERT MAN ABOUT TOWN @laura_albert @jmeeksofficial @_manabouttownuk


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