ミミ・ファウストのインスタグラム(mimifaust) - 4月22日 08時00分

Wow. Thank You Gabby I really appreciate your kind words. ?

#Repost @missgabbydivarealtor with @repostapp
So one day Mimi, Eva and I were leaving Toys R Us and a homeless lady with 2 kids came up and asked for money. ( me working in the area, I had given this homeless lady money a million times and started to ignore her?). Mimi proceeded to clear her wallet of cash and gave this homeless woman every dollar she had ?. I was like girl she is out here everyday hustling me, don't give her nothing. Mimi then told me that she is not the judge of what that woman does w the money, God is, and that she followed her heart and gave. She also said that that was a form of tithing. Shes like Gab, Sometimes we forget our humble beginnings, and that we can easily be in that persons shoes tomorrow. Now I give from my heart every time I see a homeless person on the corner and speak love and life to them and I help deliver clothes w Mimi to single mothers. ????We watch her on reality shows and judge but we never know a persons heart ( my message: Giving is the surest way to bring joy to your own heart)


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