ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 4月21日 15時13分

So yesterday's session was a struggle. ? I was tired and I felt hungry and grumpy. Woman know the once a month struggle where all we want is pasta, chocolate and to punch someone in the face and that was me yesterday ? I usually don't think twice about having some dark chocolate but one of the reasons I wanted to do this @upfitnesslive program was to challenge myself mentally even more so then physically and to try and break some habits that aren't that good for me. I spoke with @markbo1989 before we started about how I always crave chocolate badly once a month and he suggested that If I really needed it, to have 1 pot of Hartleys sugar free jelly instead. A pot is only 10 calories and it's sweet enough to rid any sweet cravings I may have. I had one last night after my tea and it really did work a treat for me! I wish I'd known this sooner as my go to was always chocolate (which I will go back to at some point for sure) but for the same satisfaction but with way less calories the jelly for the next 11 weeks will be my new once a week go to. Be warned though that portion control is a must! I could have easily had 6 but I just stuck to the 1 ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



