デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月19日 11時48分

These are a few things that make a relationship work. Yet there are a few things not listed here. Overcoming, championing, quietly understanding, celebrating & sharing.
You have to be able to get through dramatically tough times that are painful. You have to fight for it sometimes and mostly you need to sacrifice. That doesn't mean giving up on what's yours. It means sharing what's meant to be shared without withholding. Giving up your power. It is the ability to collaborate.
You have to break down old ways to build up new means. I've had friendships that have blossomed because we fought and blew up on each other. It's a silly intimacy because once you get past it and learn you both feel less scared to show your inner self and that inner self is complex as fuck. Time shapes it. Only time and only patience & understanding.
There is no graduation day where you earn a degree in it. In fact with every new person there is a brand new way of communicating and that means relearning your own triggers. This is a lot to digest but it's all about staying open and honest. Looking inward and telling someone how you feel when the time is right.


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