ダフニ・クラークのインスタグラム(daffmc29) - 4月18日 16時41分

Happy new era new chapter birthday to my one and only best friend @vanessarosegiordano love you through the fire and to the heaven: Some odd years ago on this day (never tell a woman's age) God created an angel who he sent to make a difference and change the world. He named her Vanessa. She has been such a blessing in many lives and not only my best friend but more like a sister to me. She will never truly realize how much she means to me or the lives she has impacted but I want her to know from the bottom of my heart how much I love, appreciate and need her in my life. Nessa Rose you are beyond beautiful and amazing, you are destined for greatness. God gave you a powerful undeniable gift that no one or anything can take from you. I know it gets hard but just know all your dreams will come true no matter the obstacles or struggle. We are in this together.
I love you so much and here's to so many more birthdays to come and the Oscars. Happy Birthday to the greatest best friend in the world my Nessa!!!!!!!!!!


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