ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 4月12日 07時54分

We live in a crazy world that's so fast and that's always about what's next, so much so that sometimes we forget to celebrate the amazing things we have. #LoveStyleLife , my book, is still on its amazing journey around the world, translated in so many different languages, talking to so many different people. Everyday on instagram i receive beautiful photos of it, like this one from @scorttariusstyle - and it touches me so much. I spent two years of my life working on it, on its message, on its words and images, and I don't want to forget that, and I am so happy it's living a beautiful life. So thank you for the thousands of you who have read it and taken photos and made it one of my proudest achievements... and a New York Times best seller, cause I can never repeat that enough!!!


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