リック・ホフマンのインスタグラム(rickehoffman) - 4月11日 08時22分

This guy in the pic next to his beautiful children is one my oldest friends from college Patrick Reed, and his kidneys are fucked. Apparently they’re working at only 18% efficiency and it’s getting worse. He’s a kid, 48 years old. Lots more living to do. He put himself on this massive transplant list. He’d never live long enough to get one of those. Those are dead kidneys, anyway. We got to get Pat a live one. You live a lot longer with one of those. If I had the right type of blood I'd give him one of mine. I need to put it out there to anyone who supports my cause. I can't imagine any of you wouldn't do what I'm trying to do for my dear friend.
All you need to do is retweet the shit out of this, talk to people, whatever. You never know. Oh, and if you're an extraordinary person and wanna get tested, Pat's insurance will take care of everything. I’m gonna give you his nurse’s number:
Paula Gull
Nurse Practitioner
Kidney Transplant Center
Pat’s blood type is O positive. I love you all just for giving the time to read this. You never know it might just save this amazing husband/father/son/friend's life.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




