キャサリン・ハイグルのインスタグラム(katherineheigl) - 4月6日 10時24分

"It's the manner in which you do a thing, anything, that gives it elegance. It doesn't have to be grand or cost a great deal of time and money. The simplest things give us the greatest pleasure." This quote has inspired me to bring a bit of elegance into my life by making the effort to set a beautiful but simple table for dinner each night. I'm sure I won't manage it every night but there is something so wonderful about making even just a smidge of effort to bring in beauty. For all my subscribers, keep your eyes peeled for my next exclusive email coming your way tomorrow morning. And if any of you who aren't subscribing to thoseheavenlydays.com and are feeling left out then head in over to the blog and go to the subscribe page, sign up and join the fun! ??#thoseheavenlydays #badlandsranch


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