ジェナ・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(jennajohnson) - 4月6日 03時24分

Soooo.... I was just cleaning out my closet and I came across these jeans. A year and a half ago these were the only jeans I could comfortably fit into and I wore them almost everyday. Recently I've been a bit down on myself and constantly comparing myself to others thinking "ugh I wish I looked like that" but it's moments like just barely that reinforce my appreciation for how far I've come. This isn't meant to brag or boast but a reminder that YOU are your worst enemy.... but you should also be your own biggest cheerleader. So when we do have days of discouragement we are able to remind ourselves how truly awesome we are... and how far we've come! I'm also working on being more confident in my own skin so I'm trying to use little to no make up and no filters..... we shall see how long that lasts ? Have a wonderful Wednesday!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



