Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 4月5日 23時39分

⭐️PhotoVogue/inPortraits⭐️ Every month from December 2016 to March 2017, 5 best photographers were selected among those registered on #PhotoVogue reaching a total of 20 artists. ?✨
Among them, 10 were selected whose works will be displayed at PhotoVogue/inPortraits, the exhibition opening next Tuesday 16th of May between 7 and 10 pm and set against the magnificent backdrop of the Leica Galerie @leica_camera_italia via Mengoni 4, a few minutes from Milan’s Duomo.
Here are the names of the selected artists:@daveyadesida, @claragiaminardi, @mojoimages_ru (Yulieva and Victor Yuliev), @rominaressia, @maartenschroder, @simonesteenberg, @justinetjallinks, @alexandravonfuerst, @antoninazharko ???The overall best photographer who will receive a Leica TL as well as shoot a portrait to be featured in @luomovogue using Leica professional equipment is @claudiorasanophotography (Basil,1970) who stood out for the profoundness of his work, the incisiveness of his vision and the ability to explore such complex topics whilst always remaining respectful to the portrayed subject #photovogue #exhibition #portrait #photography #leicagaleriemilano #luomovogue


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