ジョシュ・ギャッドのインスタグラム(joshgad) - 3月28日 12時41分

There aren't two sides to this issue. This isn't a game of politics. This is a future for our children we are playing Russian roulette with. There is science and there is greed. There is fact and there is stupidity. Congrats to every oil executive out there who got what they wanted and every politician greased by their lobbyists. The world will continue down a path of voluntary destruction as corporate greed is rewarded. Yes. Im angry. And every single one of you should be too. You can pretend a five alarm fire is a candle on a birthday cake. You can pretend stage four cancer is a bad cold. You can pretend that 99% of scientists somehow know less than you. That doesn't make you right. It makes you willingly blind.

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