アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 3月27日 22時56分

#52daysofconsecration #DAY20!!!! Are you still with me?!??? you know it is scientifically proven that smiling can improve whatever mood you may be in. A lot of ppl having "RBF" well, I have "RSF"! RESTING SMILE FACE! I am always smiling! If you're anything like me and you are an over thinker, you probably sometimes think yourself into a corner and get a bit overwhelmed at times. Sometimes that can get you in a ?? mood. Well when I find myself going there, I stop and I smile and I start to count my blessings. And let me tell you, it gives me a reality check. It's not a solution for all of life's problems, absolutely not! BUT it does help me carry on with my day and reminds me that things aren't as bad as I am making them and I am in control! I control my mood, I control my reaction to things happening around me, I CONTROL MY DAY! So today, just try it! Try and smile. Take a minute when those thoughts try and overtake you and smile and remember your blessings! It's just a simple tool but don't dismiss it. A smile send a powerful message to yourself and the world. It's contagious! Take charge of you day! Set your intention on having a great one! I love you ? #52daysofconsecration #day20


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