アリソン・ワンダーランドのインスタグラム(alisonwonderland) - 3月23日 12時03分

I was a mega dork/loser/loner/weirdo at school. I remember coming home most afternoons crying because I didn't belong to a 'group'. I was bullied, I was socially awkward (still am) I never had the coolest clothes.. I wore smashing pumpkins tshirts (still do), played cello (still do) , read @ナショナルジオグラフィック magazines, had anxiety (still do), had buck teeth & acne. I remember wishing I could be like all the cool kids. My mother always told me to just keep being myself and the right people will come to me. So I kept being myself. S/O anyone who doesn't compromise themselves. Sorry about the long post. Sometimes I just wanna go back in time and let my 14 y/o self know that it's gonna be ok. PLEASE PASS ON TO ANY AWKWARD KID OUT THERE


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Jack Baranのインスタグラム
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