アラン・ディクソンのインスタグラム(daxon) - 3月14日 23時13分

I asked who was interested in buying a quokka book teaching you about finding happiness and over 500 people commented and messaged me saying yes! (very overwhelming) If those that said yes really pledge to buy it, then we might just be able to make it happen. With printing books there are a few options but the most affordable that still maintains a high quality is bulk self publishing. I have been quoted for printing 1000 books and shipping 1000 books. There is no profit to be made as it all breaks even. Everything is created, printed, shipped from Australia. Nothing is sponsored and no company endorsements. It's all books sold or nothing is printed. I'm doing this campaign for the love and gratitude of creating something that will touch people in a profound way in the hopes that it will help change their lives. I'll be updating you on the development of the book in the coming days. If you have advice for me or know media publishers that would help promote the campaign, of if there is any information you would really like to see be put in the book be sure to comment below or email me. Thank you! ?? ? Click thanks to @trevlake


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