ジェフリー・ロスのインスタグラム(therealjeffreyross) - 3月14日 16時51分

Couldn't resist this shot of my pal Fred Willard alongside his pal Martin Mull. It was great to see them. They once hosted a hilarious fake talk show that my dad and I watched together when I was a kid called "Fernwood Tonight". I just remember laughing a lot with my dad even though I was young and didn't get most of the jokes. Fred and Martin's attitudes were unique. Do any of you remember that show? Years later they reunited to play groundbreaking gay characters on the popular sitcom "Roseanne". That's Fred's wife Mary beside him in the pic. It was her 70th birthday party and she had 300 of us dress up as beloved TV characters. She went as Mrs. Howell from Gilligan's Island and Fred dressed like Thurston Howell. Next to her is the dynamic and unstoppable 70's icon Joanne Worley who graciously dressed up as herself and sang a few hilarious songs. If that wasn't enough Andy Kindler worked the room dressed like Seinfeld's puffy shirt, Peter and Laurie Marshall dressed like The Avengers and Todd Thicke dressed up as his brother's character from Growing Pains. We laughed, we cried, we ate, we tipped the valet. Oh, and of course I went dressed as iconic American sex symbol Mr Clean.


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