ジェイワウのインスタグラム(jwoww) - 3月13日 11時56分

Somedays my daughter is an angel ? others she is a ?. She is my twin, my mini and 1/2 my heart... As much as I cringe at her tantrums, I see a ??? personality. she knows what she wants, and will fight for it. That personality creates change in this world, and one day she will use it for good. My Prince is nothing but a precious, sweet boy. He laughs at everything and loves to be held. He loves to be loved, and I hope it stays like that forever.
I wake up every morning thinking about a new adventure we can take. I no longer want to waste time or think "maybe when they are older." I work hard to provide for them, but also to show them things I only dreamed of as a kid. The will want for nothing, but appreciate everything they have. They will know mommy didn't have much as a kid and that's why she works hard to make sure they have a better life. To be a working, stay at home mom is pretty awesome. #myworld


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