クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 3月3日 13時38分

#TBT Soooo the story around this picture...my mother took me to Sears to get my picture taken and I was feeling saucy with my lil baby faux fur jacket that perfectly set off my denim ruffle dress, white stockings and Mary Jane shoes- and well my mother made me give up the coat for the picture and I threw a Lil baby tantrum. Even at like 4 years old I KNEW what I wanted and Hated being told why to do ( I know shocking right?) anyways--- since my mother was bigger than me and was responsible for feeding me- (plus she was nice with the wooden spoon) I relinquished the jacket BUT I wasn't going out like no sucka- they would NOT be getting a smile, a smirk or even a smize from Claudia Angela Jordan- oh no not today! Yep-- red nose and everything. #ThatsMyStoryAndImStickingToIt ??? #WidowsPeakWasTragic #TheHumpsWereSoUnevenBackThen #GladIGrewIntoThat #italianMomStruggle


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



