エマ(テニール・ダッシュウッド)のインスタグラム(realtenilledashwood) - 3月3日 02時59分

Thank you for all the Birthday love yesterday!!! I can't tell you what I wished for or it won't come true.. So I'm just going to leave one of my fav pictures here and if you happen to imagine (or photoshop) a championship belt around my waist, then I'm sure you get the idea! ?

I haven't done much to celebrate my Birthday yet, I have an exciting day to get through first, then time for some fun! ?
I do want to say that I was so overwhelmed by all the messages of love, encouragement, positivity and excitement!
Although I wasn't exactly excited to be having a birthday it did make me very thankful. Thankful for my family, the amazing friends I've made and people I've crossed paths with on my journey and of course my incredible devoted fans!
My birthday was a special reminder of how great life is, and how thankful I am for the people I have in it.
Happiness is contagious and after being flooded with messages from all of you I can't help but be thankful and be happy! ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




