サラ・ハリスのインスタグラム(iamsarahharris) - 3月2日 03時01分

Over the past year I've woken up so thankful for how my life has turned around.
Taking a risk to start a new beginning with someone I barely knew was scary, but it paid off. I've said it before guys, please don't forget that 99% of your idols and the people you aspire to be come from shitty jobs they hated, living pay check to pay check not understanding how someone could afford to shop at New World/ wholefoods let alone vacation or buy a house.
Don't ever look at someone else's life and say that will never be you - you can have everything you want and more. I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of those close to me and YOU GUYS! For that, I'm thankful everyday. ?
Thanks Jezza for teaching me to be thankful for the smallest things in life, actually... for everything you've taught me so far. Here's to another great year with you in a great industry. ??


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