エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 3月1日 07時16分

Alternative travel plans: “When we became fatigued, we sat and took in the river over a snack. We are the only boat on the river without a motor. When other boats passed, no one seemed to pay any attention. It’s amazing to feel anonymous and to be able to hear everything: the loud chug of small ‘pom-pom’ boats; the deep roar of a diesel transport; the birds that flood the river as the motors faded into the distance. On-shore, families gather around a dinner fire at sunset. We stay in the current and lay out an easy dinner of canned fish and crunchy ramen.” - @redonkulous2u on navigating Myanmar’s Irrawaddy River in a “local” craft with @ckorbulic (standing) | P: @ckorbulic | #liveyouradventure


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