マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 2月25日 21時40分

I may have the greatest "job" in the world ? #CobyFreakinRhodes with a huge PR clean and jerk at 91kg/200lbs weighing 51.9kg/114lbs at 13 years old last night. Always so impressed by these kids, but this little gamer showed up and turned it ONN last night ?? So blessed to be a part of the the journey for all my young ones and more proud of each of them every day ❤️ More nugget lifting starting this morning bright and early!!! #TheFutureOfUSAWIsBright #YouthWeightlifting @cobyrhodes #WelcomeToThe200lbClub ?: @mjbjerre


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