I say this kind of thing all the time but my boo @tytryone worded it perfectly. Don't you dare have all these super high standards and not be willing to make yourself the best you- you can be! Let me say it again---- don't be out here demanding a 10 when you know you're only bring a 5 to the table of value! It blows my mind when I hear women with little or nothing going on but a fat Ass and a 24" weave talking bout how they deserve this rich, perfect man with all these accomplishments under his belt meanwhile all you've done was wear a waist trainer and get your eye brows on fleek- but that's enough to bag a Barack Obama Type??!! #WhereTheyDoThatAt? And fellas- let me gather some of you real quick. Having a few trinkets and a penis alone does not make you entitled to have this amazing, wonderful, self sufficient, intelligent, home cooking meal making, spiritually deep woman! No sir! I'm going to need everyone to start focusing more on CHARACTER and intelligence and integrity and HEART and a little less on tangible things. Did y'all hear me tho?? And trust me- I am attracted to beautiful, sparkly, and fine things just like the next person- but what's under the hood? Again- there's nothing wrong with having high standards- I think we all should- but please-work on bringing yourself up as much as you can before expecting so much from your potential mate. Ain't nothing sexier than two WHOLE and complete people that both bring something to the table. Now THAT right there- is where it's at- TRUST. ???

claudiajordanさん(@claudiajordan)が投稿した動画 -

クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 2月19日 00時51分

I say this kind of thing all the time but my boo @tytryone worded it perfectly. Don't you dare have all these super high standards and not be willing to make yourself the best you- you can be! Let me say it again---- don't be out here demanding a 10 when you know you're only bring a 5 to the table of value! It blows my mind when I hear women with little or nothing going on but a fat Ass and a 24" weave talking bout how they deserve this rich, perfect man with all these accomplishments under his belt meanwhile all you've done was wear a waist trainer and get your eye brows on fleek- but that's enough to bag a Barack Obama Type??!! #WhereTheyDoThatAt? And fellas- let me gather some of you real quick. Having a few trinkets and a penis alone does not make you entitled to have this amazing, wonderful, self sufficient, intelligent, home cooking meal making, spiritually deep woman! No sir! I'm going to need everyone to start focusing more on CHARACTER and intelligence and integrity and HEART and a little less on tangible things. Did y'all hear me tho?? And trust me- I am attracted to beautiful, sparkly, and fine things just like the next person- but what's under the hood? Again- there's nothing wrong with having high standards- I think we all should- but please-work on bringing yourself up as much as you can before expecting so much from your potential mate. Ain't nothing sexier than two WHOLE and complete people that both bring something to the table. Now THAT right there- is where it's at- TRUST. ???


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