ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 2月17日 06時14分

Great post again from @action_reaction_training showing different variations of exercises. Tonight's is one of my favourites. ????
Landmine Squat.
The landmine squat is ideal for those who struggle with the traditional back squat due to typical mobility issues. This type of squat will help to emphasis good form as you have no choice due to the arc movement of the bar but to squat back whilst staying upright. Notice here how my feet are wider and turned out and my toes are flicking up, this is to try place more load in the posterior chain ( glutes & hamstrings) by driving the weight through my heels and squeezing the glutes hard at the top without arching (hyperextending) the lower back. You can never truly separate quads from hamstrings in any squat based movement but by thinking about load distribution you can shift more focus one way of the other. Think mid to front foot for quad dominance and then mid to heel for glutes and hamstrings.
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