クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 2月16日 06時56分

Soooo as My grandmother is in the hospital trying to get better I was going thru some videos of our crazy and hilarious Conversations. Keep in mind my grandma was born in 1925! She has the best sense of humor and loves when I ask her sex questions cause I really think it just made her feel alive and she loves making us laugh saying shocking things! If you're easily offended don't press play- it's all good and all in fun and I just wanna Share her feisty personality with you guys and ask for your prayers for her recovery. We are very close and I can't imagine not having this firecracker around. Appreciate it and thank you in advance ! This is her response when I caught her and my aunts talking about sex toys and I asked my grandmother if she had one--- and here she goes! #ILoveLillian


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