アリエル・ヴァンデンバーグのインスタグラム(arielle) - 2月11日 14時26分

Today my grandpa would have been 92! I miss him every single day. Him and my grandma. Look at the way he's looking at her. Such a stud! He loved her so much. And took such good care of her. I hope for that type of love. One like my grandparents had. Fun, romantic, gentle, life time type love. When he would laugh, so would she. When she would cry, so would he. And I know you and grandma are still falling more in love up in heaven!! -----------------
Being the Italian that he was.... "Every time I turn around he's makin' spaghetti!!!" My grandma would say to me. And he really was always making spaghetti! ??? "HELLO SUNSHINE" is how he would answer the phone (even when there was no caller ID)! He was the man!!! I'm so lucky to have lived with them for most of my childhood! Happy Birthday to my Grandpa T!!! You always made me so happy!! Love, your "Sweet Sister Sue" XOXO


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