ジェナ・マクドゥーガルのインスタグラム(hevenshe) - 2月10日 15時23分

1️⃣ My days begin and end with gratitude 2️⃣ I know that I can master anything 3️⃣ All that I seek is already within me 4️⃣ I am limited only by my vision of what is possible 5️⃣ I am sailing on the river of eternal abundance 6️⃣ Everything I experience is perfect for my growth 7️⃣ I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever changing life
Let's get back to work! What are some of your favourite affirmations? If you don't have any try to make one up and share below! ❤ This photo was taken at the Hordern Pavilion by @jordan_kelsey_knight


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