エディー・バウアーのインスタグラム(eddiebauer) - 2月9日 10時36分

"We arrived late in the evening to the #Wettersteinhutte after a brisk hike up the steep grade and made friends with some “local” German and Austrian climbers who seemed to know the area. After exchanging a few words we told them what our objective was for the next day and we were met with wide eyes and jaw dropping stares. 'You’re going to do what route!? Really? Wow!' It seemed the reputation of the old 1980’s line was holding steady. We took some snapshots of their guide books and learned that we had another hour and half to get to the base of the route. We would set off in the morning, but for now it was beers and brats." - @katiebirdlambert | #liveyouradventure #Lockervomhocker


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