ノア・サイラスのインスタグラム(noahcyrus) - 2月9日 04時25分

happy birthday to one of my best friends in the whole wide world. lucas you never fail to leave me shook lolol. you always tell me how it is and never give me the bullshit and thats my favorite thing about you. our friendship is so different from when we first met. youre now like a brother and we are family ? thank you for always showing me unconditional love even if we are in an argument and a lil salty at each other (?☕️) thanks for always being there for me and thank you for being the best shoulder to cry on when im in tears at any time of day or night. i love you so so much. happy birthday hmmmm!!! LOVE YOU LOSER K BYE @luuucasmachado


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