エリザベス・パーキンスのインスタグラム(elizabethperkins) - 2月7日 08時46分

It seems the world has conspired to make the last 2 months the most painful for me, with a profound amount of loss. And today, I lost my boy, Buster. He was my best buddy, my most-treasured mini being, my trusty little man. He was kind to every animal he met, licked every face lowered his way and always welcomed you into our home with his favorite toy: A kitty. He had the kindest heart of any dog I knew…it never occurred to him to be mean. I will miss him every day: his innocence, his snoring, his stinky face, his bow-legs, his love for me and the daily kisses full of snuggle-muffins. This one hurts. Hold that which is important to you, close. It is all so fleeting, so temporal and we are here for such a short time. Love, truly is, all you need. Peace. Xo e


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