レディー・ガガのインスタグラム(ladygaga) - 2月6日 07時32分

I want to say thank you to my fans for cheering me on all these years. There will not be any guest performers tonight, I'm doing these 13 minutes solo! I dedicate every second to the love, diversity, compassion, and wild spirit of our fan base. To that kid who felt unwanted, or the grown up who remembers how hard it was to find acceptance. This is for you. It is also for those whose hearts and minds have opened to our message. Thank you for believing in us so we could be here today little monsters this is YOUR stage. And I'm gonna leave my heart on it so you never forget it. Let's do this. Xoxo Love, Gaga p.s I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤?


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