イングリッド・マイケルソンのインスタグラム(ingridmichaelson) - 2月5日 10時26分

Tonight I went to a celebration of the life of Eric Simon. 18 years old. Amazing human and dancer. I did not know Eric well, but to witness 500 plus people all grieving immensely in unison for this young man made me feel like I did. I doubt there are many 18 year olds who touched people's lives the way Eric did. To lose someone is incomprehensible. To lose someone at such a young age is even more so. And his talent. His lightness. I saw him dance. He moved like wind and water. Like he was made too. Born to. It makes me want to hold those I love a little tighter. To live my life a little louder. To laugh a little harder. I wish I knew him better, because I know he would have made me a better human. I don't know where he is right now. But I'd like to think he's dancing.


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