マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 2月5日 05時12分

#MAKEamericaLOVEagain As a United Nations Global Advocate I have been to many #REFUGEE camps around the World and have to say some of the best examples of the human spirit have been with these people. Their will and kind spirit and most of all happiness in some of the most challenging conditions always left me moved to my core. I understand terrorism and the fear it brings needs to be addressed. In my humble opinion combating terrorism with refugees is not a solution and they really have nothing to do with each other. I don't believe any terrorist act in the US was committed by a #REFUGEE I try not to weigh in on politics but when it comes to locking these people out who have already suffered at the hands of terrorist just turns my stomach. We need much more #LOVE and less #FEAR in the #WORLD today. @unitednations @unicef @unfoundation @unrefugees @unwomen @unicefnextgen


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