クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 2月3日 04時37分

Just wanted to wish this amazing woman @corporatebarbie_ a very happy 48th birthday!!! I cannot believe so much time has passed and you have NOT aged! I guess it's that wonderful spirit and great, giving heart you have that's keeping you looking young and vibrant! I cannot express how grateful I am to have you as a Bestie for almost 23 years now! You've been a constant source of love and support thru all the bad times and great ones! The laughs, the memories and the trips and moment where YOU had me speechless- I really do treasure and value. You're the type of friend that I don't have to ask for anything if I'm in need- cause you already would just know- and do something about it without me ever having to swallow any pride and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that! I love you like a sister Girl- because you are! Happy birthday FLAWLESS one!! ❤❤❤ #Besties #HappyBirthday


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