レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 2月2日 11時29分

A few days ago the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence were removed from the NSC. They were replaced with Steve Bannon. Bannon has no government, intelligence, or high-level military experience; his experience is leading a propaganda outlet (Breitbart News) that peddles nationalist and white nationalist viewpoints. This would be deeply concerning in and of itself. But one of the jobs of the NSC is to oversee a secret panel that authorizes the assassination of “enemies of the United States Government” – including American citizens. These targeted killings are fully authorized by law under the Congressional military authorization act following 9/11. There is no trial, no due process, and no public record of the decision or the assassination itself. Just to recap the absurdity: trump has appointed a known propagandist, nationalist, and white supremacist to replace the highest military adviser in the country on a council that authorizes secret, legal, targeted killings of American citizens (and others) without due process. ?. What is this guy thinking??? Please call your senators and local congressperson and demand them to publicly and legislatively oppose this confirmation!!! Please protect the integrity of the #nationalsecuritycouncil and the integrity of our military leaders #resist


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